§ 22-35. Tie bids.
In the case of a tie bid, after taking into consideration cash discounts for early payment, if any, preference shall be given to goods, services and construction produced in Gloucester County or provided by Gloucester County persons, if such a choice is available; otherwise to a Virginia person, if such choice is available; if no such choices are available, then the tie shall be decided by lot.
Whenever the lowest responsive and responsible bidder is a resident of any other state and such state under its laws allows a resident contractor of that state a percentage preference, a like preference shall be allowed to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder who is a resident of Virginia and is the next lowest bidder. If the lowest bidder is a resident contractor of a state with an absolute preference, the bid shall not be considered. For purposes of compliance with this section, Gloucester County will rely upon the accuracy of the information published by the Virginia Department of General Services as it relates to a listing of states that have an absolute preference for their resident contractors.
Notwithstanding the provisions of subsections a and b, in the case of a tie bid in instances where goods are being offered, and existing price preferences have already been taken into account, preference shall be given to the bidder whose goods contain the greatest amount of recycled content.
(Ord. of 1-5-2010)
(Ord. of 1-5-2010)